Het Apollohuis programme four instruments on their stands the musicband reader
This has a similar control system to the previous Flute Playing Machine: a 15cm wide transparent music roll with felt-tip pen markings. It plays "Percussion Piece Number One" by Adam Boome and "Drum Bug" by Charles Boone. It was shown at the Echo Festival at Het Apollohuis, Eindhoven, in 1987, at the Akademie der Künste, Berlin in 1984 and the Music without Borders Festival in Warsaw in 1991.

The instruments are shown placed close together for the above photos but in an exhibition they are spaced out, north, south, east and west and about 10 meters from the central controller.

The instruments are light weight resonators made of Abachi-wood, each with two wide slots, cut from the front and back, that produce a hollow sound, almost like a temple block. Each block has two beaters, loud and soft. They are hinged on sorbo-rubber and are driven upwards by a steel bolt, shot by a short, strong pulse from a solenoid coil. The bolts are capped with a wooden dowel, covered with several layers of leather. The soft beaters are further cushioned with a layer of felt.

to music machines